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Retreat Policy

At Wellness Waves and Wine, we prioritise positive energy, balance, and overall enjoyment to ensure an unforgettable experience. Our policies are crafted to ensure clarity and a rewarding guest experience.

Dietary requirements

We understand the importance of addressing both your physical and spiritual needs. Simply share your dietary (and wine!) preferences when completing your reservation form.

Injuries and health conditions

While our retreats are designed to suit all levels and abilities, please specify if you have any injuries or health conditions we need to be aware of when designing your activities plans.

Deposit and payment

We require a payment of non-refundable deposit to reserve your place. The full payment will be required 12 weeks before the start date of your retreat. 


Life can be unpredictable. If unexpected circumstances arise, please inform us promptly. While we will endeavor to transfer your payment to another retreat, if you notify us outside of 12 weeks before the event, this cannot always be guaranteed. Alternatively, you have the option to transfer your reservation to a friend or family member for a small administrative fee.

Unforeseen Circumstances

During challenging times, we gracefully adapt. In the event of unforeseen circumstances (or pandemics) refunds may not be available, but we will work with you to find a suitable alternative date for our shared adventure.

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